Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Unit 1 exam questions

Once you have revised all the unit, and are confident on HOW TO ANSWER exams questions, you will need to start practice writing under timed conditions.
Try the questions below - I can mark them for you :)

You will need to answer 3 questions on the paper, spending 35 mins  on each one.
Each question is made up of 3 smaller questions with 20 mks in total.
1 Study Source A and then answer all parts of Question 1 which follow.

Source A

Fritz Fischer’s view of Germany’s foreign policy 1900–1914.

Fischer was a German historian, who put forward the view that Germany planned the First

World War in the years before 1914.

Germany’s foreign policy was based on a wish for growth. Sometimes it was friendly and based on reaching an agreement. At other times it was aggressive. The final aim was always to expand German power and land.
Adapted from F FISCHER, Germany’s Aims in the First World War, 1966  

 (a) In 1914, two armed camps existed in Europe, the Triple Alliance and the alliances between Britain, France and Russia.

Describe the main features of this alliance system.                                                                               4 marks


(b) Source A suggests possible aims of German foreign policy before the First World War.

Do you agree that these were the main aims of Germany’s foreign policy before the war?
Explain your answer by referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your knowledge.
                                                                                   6 marks

(c) Which was the more important reason for Great Britain joining the First World War in


·         the Naval Race with Germany, 1906–1914;

·         the Schlieffen Plan?


You must refer to both reasons when explaining your answer.                                               10 marks



This is taken from the sample paper given out by AQA for this year.



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